Announcing the winners of our Willows Launch 2019 contest!

Announcing the winners of our Willows Launch 2019 contest!

Congratulations to the following schools who submitted ideas and plans for launching the Willow finalists this year in their schools:

Three Winners of a Full Set of 2019 Finalists:
Henry Braun School, Regina
St. Ketari Tekakwitha School, Saskatoon
Archerwill School, Archerwill

Honourable Mentions who will receive a selection of books: 
Outlook Elementary School, Outlook
Kincaid School, Kincaid
Reynolds Central School, Melfort
Deshaye Catholic School. Regina
Hanley Composite School, Hanley
Rosetown Central High School. Rosetown
Punnichy Elementary, Punnichy

Thank you to everyone who took the time to let us know how you are using the Willows in your school! Check out some of their ideas and photos here!

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