PDF Forms

PDF Forms

Media Release Form

  • Obtain signed media release forms for all children and youth who appear in a photo or media project. File at your school.
  • Media projects (including credits) or edited photographs should not contain the childrens’ full names or the school’s or library’s name. Children’s first names are fine.
  • Media Release Form



Find information about ordering Willow stickers on our Sticker Orders page.



We try to send out posters of our current finalist books to every school and library in the province. If you need more to display, you can print off smaller versions from the pdf below.


Bookmarks of the current finalist titles are sent to every school and library in limited quantities. Please use the pdf’s below to print more, if needed.

Finalist List

This is a list of all 30 titles including author, illustrator, publisher and ISBN information

Quick Facts to Explain The Willow Awards To Others

7 Quick Facts About The Willow Awards

Willow Reader Certificates

Award certificates to readers and promoters of the Willows in your building. Here are a few phrases that might apply to your students:
Awarded to ________________________ for reading all of the Diamond Willow books.
Awarded to ________________________ for creating a book trailer to promote a Willow book.
Awarded to ________________________ for spreading excitement about the Willow book you just read.


Book Covers for Displays

Poster Archive