The Willow Awards Needs Your Help!

The Willow Awards Needs Your Help!

We are immensely grateful for the support that our sponsors have given each year, both financially and from those individuals who promote reading The Willows in their communities!

Unfortunately, our corporate sponsorship has fallen over the last few years and we are in danger of not being able to provide the same level of programming that we have in the past.

The Willows is a volunteer organization that relies on the financial donations of individuals and businesses to pay for such things as:

  • our posters and bookmarks, sent out to each library and school in the province,
  • our website that provides information and allows for ease of voting,
  • the mailing of book prizes to readers and contest winners,
  • author readings and
  • our yearly gala where the winning books and authors are announced.

Please consider making a donation to The Willows today! Talk to family, friends and business partners! Every amount helps!

You can make a donation from Canada Helps or on our website at

Thank You!


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