Shining Willow

2024 Shining Willow Vote Summary Form

If you are experiencing issues submitting your votes in the forms below, please email your numbers through our Contact form. Thank you!

Please ensure that children who vote have read or had read to them 5 – 10 of the finalist books. 

Fill in and submit the online Vote Summary Form below by March 31st. Parents whose children are not voting through a school or public library may fill in the form to record their child’s vote. Please indicate “Home” in the place of School/Library.

Student Information

Please retain the names of students who voted. Should your school or library be chosen for a student book prize, you will be sent the book and asked to draw the winner from your student name list.

Summary of Votes

2024 Shining Willow Summary Form


AuntiesRezSuprise book coverHeather O’Watch
Dounia book coverMarya Zarif, translated by Yvette Ghione
GordiesSkate book coverBill Waiser
TheJournalofIzzyParker book coverAlma Fullerton
OddCouples book coverMaria Birmingham


RodneyWasATortoise book coverNan Forler
SeagullIsland book coverMyles H. Charles and Miriam Körner
ThatsMySweater book coverJessika von Innerebner
WhatToBring book coverLorna Schultz Nicholson
WhileWeWait book coverJudy Ann Sadler